Source code for oceanwaves.spectral

from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as np

from oceanwaves.utils import *

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def jonswap(f, Hm0, Tp, gamma=3.3, sigma_low=.07, sigma_high=.09, g=9.81, method='yamaguchi', normalize=True): '''Generate JONSWAP spectrum Parameters ---------- f : numpy.ndarray Array of frequencies Hm0 : float, numpy.ndarray Required zeroth order moment wave height Tp : float, numpy.ndarray Required peak wave period gamma : float JONSWAP peak-enhancement factor (default: 3.3) sigma_low : float Sigma value for frequencies <= ``1/Tp`` (default: 0.07) sigma_high : float Sigma value for frequencies > ``1/Tp`` (default: 0.09) g : float Gravitational constant (default: 9.81) method : str Method to compute alpha (default: yamaguchi) normalize : bool Normalize resulting spectrum to match ``Hm0`` Returns ------- E : numpy.ndarray Array of shape ``f, Hm0.shape`` with wave energy densities ''' # C Stringari - 04/06/2018 # check input data types to avoid the following error: # ValueError: Integers to negative integer powers are not allowed. # raise an warning if the frequency array starts with zero. if the # user gives an array with zeros, the output will be inf at that # frequency if 0.0 in f: logger.warn('Frequency array contains zeros.') # get the input dtypes and promote to float, if needed f = ensure_float(f) Hm0 = ensure_float(Hm0) Tp = ensure_float(Tp) # check shapes of Hm0 and Tp, raise an error if the don't match if isinstance(Hm0, np.ndarray): if isinstance(Tp, np.ndarray): if Hm0.shape != Tp.shape: raise ValueError("Dimensions of Hm0 and Tp should match.") # This is a very naive implementation to deal with array inputs, # but will work if Hm0 and Tp are vectors. if isinstance(Hm0, np.ndarray): f = f[:, np.newaxis].repeat(len(Hm0), axis=1) Hm0 = Hm0[np.newaxis, :].repeat(len(f), axis=0) Tp = Tp[np.newaxis, :].repeat(len(f), axis=0) # Pierson-Moskowitz if method.lower() == 'yamaguchi': alpha = 1. / (.06533 * gamma ** .8015 + .13467) / 16. elif method.lower() == 'goda': alpha = 1. / (.23 + .03 * gamma - .185 / (1.9 + gamma)) / 16. else: raise ValueError('Unknown method: %s' % method) E_pm = alpha * Hm0**2 * Tp**-4 * f**-5 * np.exp(-1.25 * (Tp * f)**-4) # JONSWAP sigma = np.ones(f.shape) * sigma_low sigma[f > 1./Tp] = sigma_high E_js = E_pm * gamma**np.exp(-0.5 * (Tp * f - 1)**2. / sigma**2.) if normalize: # axis=0 seems to work fine with all kinds of inputs E_js *= Hm0**2. / (16. * trapz_and_repeat(E_js, f, axis=0)) return E_js
[docs]def directional_spreading(theta, theta_peak=0., s=20., units='deg', normalize=True): '''Generate wave spreading Parameters ---------- theta : numpy.ndarray Array of mean bin directions theta_peak : float Peak direction (default: 0) s : float Exponent in cosine law (default: 20) units : str Directional units (deg or rad, default: deg) normalize : bool Normalize resulting spectrum to unity Returns ------- p_theta : numpy.ndarray Array of directional weights ''' from math import gamma theta = np.asarray(theta, dtype=np.float) # convert units to radians if units.lower().startswith('deg'): theta = np.radians(theta) theta_peak = np.radians(theta_peak) elif units.lower().startswith('rad'): pass else: raise ValueError('Unknown units: %s') # compute directional spreading # A1 = (2.**s) * (gamma(s / 2 + 1))**2. / (np.pi * gamma(s + 1)) # p_theta = A1 * np.maximum(0., np.cos(theta - theta_peak)) p_theta = np.maximum(0., np.cos(theta - theta_peak))**s # convert to original units if units.lower().startswith('deg'): theta = np.degrees(theta) theta_peak = np.degrees(theta_peak) p_theta = np.degrees(p_theta) # normalize directional spreading if normalize: p_theta /= trapz_and_repeat(p_theta, theta - theta_peak, axis=-1) return p_theta
[docs]def ensure_float(var): ''' Auxiliary function to detect and fix dtypes, if needed Parameters ---------- var : anything Array to check Returns ------- var : numpy.ndarray The same as the input but either as a float or an array of floats ''' # fist, if it's a list, convert to a numpy.ndarray if isinstance(var, list): var = np.array(var) # if it's an np.ndarray(), make sure it's a array of floats elif isinstance(var, np.ndarray): if var.dtype != np.dtype('float'): var = var.astype(np.float) # if it's a float, well, do nothing elif isinstance(var, float): var = var # unknown data type else: raise ValueError("Data type could not be detected automatically.") # allways return a float or array of floats return var