Source code documentation


class oceanwaves.OceanWaves(time=None, location=None, frequency=None, direction=None, energy=None, spreading=None, time_units='s', location_units='m', frequency_units='Hz', direction_units='deg', energy_units='m^2/Hz', spreading_units='deg', time_var='time', location_var='location', frequency_var='frequency', direction_var='direction', energy_var='energy', spreading_var='spreading', frequency_convention='absolute', direction_convention='nautical', spreading_convention='cosine', spectral=True, directional=True, attrs={}, crs=None, **kwargs)[source]

Class to store (spectral) data of ocean waves

The class is a specific variant of an xarray.Dataset that defines any selection of the following dimensions: time, location, frequency and direction. The dependent variable is some form of wave energy.

The class has methods to compute spectral moments and derived wave properties, like the significant wave height and various spectral wave periods. In addition the peak wave period and peak wave directions can be computed using dedicated methods.

The class automatically converts locations from a local coordinate reference system to lat/lon coordinates, if the local coordinate reference system is specified.

The class interpretates combined variable units and simplifies the result to practical entities.

The class provides two plotting routines: 1) plotting of spectral wave data in a raster of subplots and 2) plotting of spectral wabe data on a map.

The class supports all convenient properties of an xarray.Dataset, like writing to netCDF or converting to pandas.DataFrame.


  • improve plotting routines
  • add phase functions to use with tides: phase estimates, phase interpolation, etc.
Hm0(f_min=0, f_max=inf)[source]

Compute significant wave height based on zeroth order moment

  • f_min (float) – Minimum frequency to include in moment
  • f_max (float) – Maximum frequency to include in moment

H – Significant wave height at each point in time and location in the dataset

Return type:



Compute wave period based on first order moment

Returns:T – Spectral wave period at each point in time and location in the dataset
Return type:xarray.DataArray

Compute wave period based on second order moment

Returns:T – Spectral wave period at each point in time and location in the dataset
Return type:xarray.DataArray

Alias for oceanwaves.OceanWaves.peak_period()


Access variables or coordinates this dataset as a DataArray.

Indexing with a list of names will return a new Dataset object.

__init__(time=None, location=None, frequency=None, direction=None, energy=None, spreading=None, time_units='s', location_units='m', frequency_units='Hz', direction_units='deg', energy_units='m^2/Hz', spreading_units='deg', time_var='time', location_var='location', frequency_var='frequency', direction_var='direction', energy_var='energy', spreading_var='spreading', frequency_convention='absolute', direction_convention='nautical', spreading_convention='cosine', spectral=True, directional=True, attrs={}, crs=None, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize class

Sets dimensions, converts coordinates and fills the dataset, if data is provided.

  • time (iterable, optional) – Time coordinates, each item can be a datetime object or float
  • location (iterable of 2-tuples, optional) – Location coordinates, each item is a 2-tuple with x- and y-coordinates
  • frequency (iterable, optional) – Frequency cooridinates
  • direction (iterable, optional) – Direction coordinates
  • energy (matrix, optional) – Wave energy
  • time_units (str, optional) – Units of time coordinates (default: s)
  • location_units (str, optional) – Units of location coordinates (default: m)
  • frequency_units (str, optional) – Units of frequency coordinates (default: Hz)
  • direction_units (str, optional) – Units of direction coordinates (default: deg)
  • energy_units (str, optional) – Units of wave energy (default: m^2/Hz)
  • time_var (str, optional) – Name of time variable (default: time)
  • location_var (str, optional) – Name of location variable (default: location)
  • frequency_var (str, optional) – Name of frequency variable (default: frequency)
  • direction_var (str, optional) – Name of direction variable (default: direction)
  • energy_var (str, optional) – Name of wave energy variable (default: energy)
  • frequency_convention (str, optional) – Convention of frequency definition (default: absolute)
  • direction_convention (str, optional) – Convention of direction definition (default: nautical)
  • attrs (dict-like, optional) – Global attributes
  • crs (str, optional) – Proj4 specification of local coordinate reference system
  • kwargs (dict, optional) – Additional options passed to the xarray.Dataset initialization method
__setitem__(key, value)[source]

Add an array to this dataset.

If value is a DataArray, call its select_vars() method, rename it to key and merge the contents of the resulting dataset into this dataset.

If value is an Variable object (or tuple of form (dims, data[, attrs])), add it to this dataset as a new variable.


Convert directions to degrees

as_directional(direction, direction_units='deg', theta_peak=None, s=None, normalize=True)[source]

Convert omnidirectional spectrum to a directional spectrum

Spreads total wave energy over a given set of directions according to a spreading factor s.

See oceanwaves.spectral.directional_spreading() for options.

Returns:New OceanWaves object
Return type:OceanWaves

Convert directional spectrum to an omnidirectional spectrum

Integrate spectral energy over the directions.

Returns:New OceanWaves object
Return type:OceanWaves

Convert directions to radians

as_spectral(frequency, frequency_units='Hz', Tp=None, gamma=3.3, sigma_low=0.07, sigma_high=0.09, shape='jonswap', method='yamaguchi', g=9.81, normalize=True)[source]

Convert wave energy to spectrum

Spreads total wave energy over a given set of frequencies according to the JONSWAP spectrum shape.

See oceanwaves.spectral.jonswap() for options.

Returns:New OceanWaves object
Return type:OceanWaves

Convert coordinates from local coordinate reference system to lat/lon

Parameters:crs (str) – Proj4 specification of local coordinate reference system

Estimate directional spreading

Estimate directional spreading by assuming a gaussian distribution and computing the variance of the directional spreading. The directional spreading is assumed to be 3000/var.


This estimate is inaccurate and should be improved based on the cosine model.

classmethod from_dataset(dataset, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize class from xarray.Dataset or OceanWaves object

Parameters:dataset (xarray.Dataset or Oceanwaves) – Base object
has_dimension(dim, raise_error=False)[source]

Checks if dimension is present

  • dim (str) – Name of dimension
  • raise_error (bool, optional) – Raise error if dimension is absent (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether dimension is present

Return type:





Iterate over given dimension

Parameters:dim (str) – Name of dimension
moment(n, f_min=0.0, f_max=inf)[source]

Compute nth order moment of wave spectrum

  • n (int) – Order of moment
  • f_min (float) – Minimum frequency to include in moment
  • f_max (float) – Maximum frequency to include in moment

m – nth order moment of the wave spectrum at each point in time and location in the dataset

Return type:



Compute peak wave direction

Returns:theta – Peak wave direction at each point in time and location in the dataset
Return type:xarray.DataArray

Compute peak wave period

Returns:T – Peak wave period at each point in time and location in the dataset
Return type:xarray.DataArray

Reinitializes current object with modified parameters

Gathers current object’s initialization settings and updates them with the given initialization options. Then initializes a new object with the resulting option set. See for all supported options the initialization method of this class.

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – Keyword/value pairs with initialization options that need to be overwritten
Returns:New OceanWaves object
Return type:OceanWaves
to_netcdf(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Write dataset contents to a netCDF file.

  • path (str, Path or file-like object, optional) – Path to which to save this dataset. File-like objects are only supported by the scipy engine. If no path is provided, this function returns the resulting netCDF file as bytes; in this case, we need to use scipy, which does not support netCDF version 4 (the default format becomes NETCDF3_64BIT).
  • mode ({'w', 'a'}, optional) – Write (‘w’) or append (‘a’) mode. If mode=’w’, any existing file at this location will be overwritten. If mode=’a’, existing variables will be overwritten.
  • format ({'NETCDF4', 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC', 'NETCDF3_64BIT','NETCDF3_CLASSIC'}, optional) –

    File format for the resulting netCDF file:

    • NETCDF4: Data is stored in an HDF5 file, using netCDF4 API features.
    • NETCDF4_CLASSIC: Data is stored in an HDF5 file, using only netCDF 3 compatible API features.
    • NETCDF3_64BIT: 64-bit offset version of the netCDF 3 file format, which fully supports 2+ GB files, but is only compatible with clients linked against netCDF version 3.6.0 or later.
    • NETCDF3_CLASSIC: The classic netCDF 3 file format. It does not handle 2+ GB files very well.

    All formats are supported by the netCDF4-python library. only supports the last two formats.

    The default format is NETCDF4 if you are saving a file to disk and have the netCDF4-python library available. Otherwise, xarray falls back to using scipy to write netCDF files and defaults to the NETCDF3_64BIT format (scipy does not support netCDF4).

  • group (str, optional) – Path to the netCDF4 group in the given file to open (only works for format=’NETCDF4’). The group(s) will be created if necessary.
  • engine ({'netcdf4', 'scipy', 'h5netcdf'}, optional) – Engine to use when writing netCDF files. If not provided, the default engine is chosen based on available dependencies, with a preference for ‘netcdf4’ if writing to a file on disk.
  • encoding (dict, optional) –

    Nested dictionary with variable names as keys and dictionaries of variable specific encodings as values, e.g., ``{‘my_variable’: {‘dtype’: ‘int16’, ‘scale_factor’: 0.1,

    ’zlib’: True}, …}``

    The h5netcdf engine supports both the NetCDF4-style compression encoding parameters {'zlib': True, 'complevel': 9} and the h5py ones {'compression': 'gzip', 'compression_opts': 9}. This allows using any compression plugin installed in the HDF5 library, e.g. LZF.

  • unlimited_dims (sequence of str, optional) – Dimension(s) that should be serialized as unlimited dimensions. By default, no dimensions are treated as unlimited dimensions. Note that unlimited_dims may also be set via dataset.encoding['unlimited_dims'].
  • compute (boolean) – If true compute immediately, otherwise return a dask.delayed.Delayed object that can be computed later.


oceanwaves.spectral.directional_spreading(theta, theta_peak=0.0, s=20.0, units='deg', normalize=True)[source]

Generate wave spreading

  • theta (numpy.ndarray) – Array of mean bin directions
  • theta_peak (float) – Peak direction (default: 0)
  • s (float) – Exponent in cosine law (default: 20)
  • units (str) – Directional units (deg or rad, default: deg)
  • normalize (bool) – Normalize resulting spectrum to unity

p_theta – Array of directional weights

Return type:



Auxiliary function to detect and fix dtypes, if needed

Parameters:var (anything) – Array to check
Returns:var – The same as the input but either as a float or an array of floats
Return type:numpy.ndarray
oceanwaves.spectral.jonswap(f, Hm0, Tp, gamma=3.3, sigma_low=0.07, sigma_high=0.09, g=9.81, method='yamaguchi', normalize=True)[source]

Generate JONSWAP spectrum

  • f (numpy.ndarray) – Array of frequencies
  • Hm0 (float, numpy.ndarray) – Required zeroth order moment wave height
  • Tp (float, numpy.ndarray) – Required peak wave period
  • gamma (float) – JONSWAP peak-enhancement factor (default: 3.3)
  • sigma_low (float) – Sigma value for frequencies <= 1/Tp (default: 0.07)
  • sigma_high (float) – Sigma value for frequencies > 1/Tp (default: 0.09)
  • g (float) – Gravitational constant (default: 9.81)
  • method (str) – Method to compute alpha (default: yamaguchi)
  • normalize (bool) – Normalize resulting spectrum to match Hm0

E – Array of shape f, Hm0.shape with wave energy densities

Return type:



class oceanwaves.plot.OceanWavesPlotMethods(darray, x=None, y=None, **kwargs)[source]

Inheritence class to add map plotting functionality to xarray.DataArray objects

spatial_map(ax=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot data on a spatial map

Creates a subplot for each location in the DataArray and positions the subplot on a map. Connects events to both map axes and figure to keep the subplots positioned.

  • darray (xarray.DataArray) – DataArray with spatial information
  • x (list) – Array with x-coordinates of locations
  • y (list) – Array with y-coordinates of locations
  • scale (float) – Size of subplots in axes coordinates
  • dim (str) – Name of spatial dimensions
  • figure_kw (dict) – Options passed to matplotlib.pyplot.subplots()
  • subplot_kw (dict) – Options passed to matplotlib.pyplot.add_axes()
  • kwargs (dict) – Options passed to xarray.DataArray.plot()

  • ax_map (AxesSubplot) – Subplot containing the map
  • axs (list of AxesSubplot) – Positionsed subplots visualizing data

oceanwaves.plot.position_subplots(ax_map, axs, scale=0.1)[source]

Updates subplot positions in map

  • ax_map (AxesSubplot) – Map axes object
  • axs (list of AxesSubplot) – List of subplots to be positioned. Each axes should have a property coords specifying the target position in data coordinates of the map axes.
  • scale (float) – Size of subplots in axes coordinates
oceanwaves.plot.spatial_map(darray, x, y, ax=None, scale=0.1, dim='location', add_colorbar=True, figure_kw={}, subplot_kw={}, **kwargs)[source]

Plot data on a spatial map

Creates a subplot for each location in the DataArray and positions the subplot on a map. Connects events to both map axes and figure to keep the subplots positioned.

  • darray (xarray.DataArray) – DataArray with spatial information
  • x (list) – Array with x-coordinates of locations
  • y (list) – Array with y-coordinates of locations
  • scale (float) – Size of subplots in axes coordinates
  • dim (str) – Name of spatial dimensions
  • figure_kw (dict) – Options passed to matplotlib.pyplot.subplots()
  • subplot_kw (dict) – Options passed to matplotlib.pyplot.add_axes()
  • kwargs (dict) – Options passed to xarray.DataArray.plot()

  • ax_map (AxesSubplot) – Subplot containing the map
  • axs (list of AxesSubplot) – Positionsed subplots visualizing data


oceanwaves.units.format(parts, order=['kg', 'm', 's', 'Hz'])[source]

Format unit parts into string

  • parts (list of 2-tuples) – List of 2-tuples containing pairs of unit names and exponents
  • order (list, optional) – Preferred order of units in formatted string (default: kg, m, s, Hz)

units – Formatted unit specification

Return type:


See also



Parse unit string into parts

Parameters:units (str) – Unit specification
Returns:parts – List of 2-tuples containing pairs of unit names and exponents
Return type:list of 2-tuples

See also



Simplify the notation of units

Parameters:units (str) – Unit specification
Returns:units – Simplified unit specification
Return type:str

See also

parse(), format()